China Express 2
"...And she called his name Samuel, for she said, "I have asked for him from the Lord"
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Four Months Later

I can't beleive I haven't updated this for almost 4 months! I've kept thinking "I need to start posting to the blog" but somehow the time has gotten away from me... I visited another families blog today and they inspired me.
We have all settled into a new routine with Ruth in our lives. Ruth too has adjusted well and has brought much joy in our lives. It's like we've had her since she was born. She has become more assertive in the last month or so testing her limits and letting us know what she does and doesn't like. The tentativeness she had when we first met is gone.
In four months she has gone from only crawling to walking, running, climbing steps, spinning and opening doors. She has also gone from being only bottle fed to eating just about anything we put in front of her except rice of all things. She has gone from blank, stoneface stares to hysterical laughing at her own private jokes, defiant glares when told no and peek a boo with her hands. While her words are very few her understanding is comprehensive. she says Mama but I think it only means "I want", imagine that, she says "Dada" and it really means Dada. She almost says thank you and has some kind of noise for the dogs, She seems to be alittle behind in this area compared to some of the other adopted girls of about the same age, but we are sure it won't be long. She has started babbling more with more varied syllables.
She loves music, she sways and moves her head then raises her hands and makes her fingers move to the music. Many of the sounds she makes sound almost like notes. She loves to sit on Ryan's lap while he is playing piano and watch his hands move across the keys while sometimes trying to make her own songs hitting a few keys.
Water is another passion. We took her to a pool a month or so ago when Aunt Maggie was visiting and I was amazed. She would lay back and float almost on her own she only held my fingers. She goes under water with no problem but did seem to swallow a little too much water.
The dogs are her best friends, she feeds them and plays with them and steals their toys. She lays on them like they are her own personal pillow. We beleive we have an olympic swimmer, concert pianist, dog enthusiast on our hands. Ah the dreams and hopes for an 18 month old. They can be anything we conceive of at this point.
That is all for now Ruth has awoken from her nap and is probably ready for a little snack.