China Express 2

"...And she called his name Samuel, for she said, "I have asked for him from the Lord"

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Location: purcellville, VA, United States

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Miracle Part 2

I did want to say that Samuel, while he tested his limits quickly, also attached very quickly and was affectionate and sweet a lot of the time. He didn't seem to have any hesitation in claiming us as his family and that was all answer to prayer.
We had asked one of the Sunday School classes at church to pray for our adoption and I am so thankful we did! The whole class of 6 & 7 year olds was very excited to pray for Samuel and I know God hears the prayers of children.
Here are our prayer requests for Sam before we left with notes on how those were answered:

That he will not be afraid of leaving the orphanage: He was all smiles and saying "by by I'm leaving now". I have to tell you that the assistant orphanage director had quite the sincerely surprised look as Samuel was all smiles and excitement upon meeting us and the next day doing paperwork. We were warned repeatedly that he was quiet and shy and did not play much with others. He plays much and with others

That he will be excited about having a family: We could not have asked for a more excited boy. He was so happy to finally meet the his family that he had seen in the pictures we sent.

When we go to China to bring him home

That the Mason’s will have a safe journey to China: We did

That Sam will not be afraid of Mr. and Mrs. Mason: Not in the least

That he will trust Mr. and Mrs. Mason: He did and it was apparent early on that he depended on us to care for him

That he will eat well: Even though the orphanage warned us that he doesn't eat well and has to be encouraged to eat we have had no problems with the amounts that he eats. He still does not drink milk or eat dairy products but that is not necessarily a bad thing.

That he will stay healthy: So far so good

That Mr. and Mrs. Mason will be able to communicate with him: We've been able to get our point across quite easily

That he will not be afraid of airplanes: I've never seen a boy more not afraid

When we get home

That Sam will learn English quickly: He is understanding quickly but will need help speaking it

That he will stay healthy: so far so good

That he will make new friends easily: He has made friends though hasn't had much opportunity in this area yet

That his sister Ruth will not be jealous and will like him: Ruth is jealous when Sam is on my lap or getting more attention than she but she loves her brother. She wants to play with him always asks for him first when she wakes up and has accepted him as part of the family.

That Sam will like all his new brothers and sisters: He loves us all!

That he will not be afraid of the dogs: about 5 minutes the first day he met them, they are now best friends

That he will like American food: He loved meatloaf, broccoli and sweet potatoes! and seems to enjoy most of the American dinners we fix, though he does like hot sauce on almost anything.

That Mr. and Mrs. Mason will be faithful to teach Sam about God and what Jesus did for us: So far so good :-)

God is good and has given us more than we could ask or imagine and I know he will be faithful to carry us through any rough spots ahead.


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