Happy New Year!!
After a very long cold day we came back to the room and crashed at about 7:30pm. The day started with a ride to Tianemen Square and the Forbidden City.
The forcast, I thought, was for 35-40 degree weather, I therefore wasn't as
concerned about having as many layers as I thought I would need if it had been below freezing, big mistake, I don't know what the actual temperature was but I should have worn my long johns and been sure everyone had many layers and and warmer socks on. It was cold!
The hardest part was the Forbidden City. It is an amazing place with an incredible history and we got some great pictures but after walking for 2hours in the cold, we were ready to go home for the day.
They kept us going though, the pearl factory was next, we were glad it was indoors. I wasn't planning on buying anything in Beijing but having the opportunity to shop without a baby won over, and we decided to purchase some strands of pink pearls which we had made into little bracelets for all the little girls in our family. I got some black pearl earrings for myself. I think they were ok prices.
Next stop lunch, everything was very good. They served a variety of dishes family style on a huge lazy susan. It was very strange though our plates were the size of a tea saucer so you just eat a little at a time, and most of us used chop sticks.
After that it was back out into the cold to the Summer Palace. The tour wasn't nearly as long as the Forbidden City so it wasn't too bad. It was a beautiful place. The Summer Palace was built so that the emperor could have a place to come on vacations where he could enjoy views of various places from all over China which were built to scale on these grounds. There is a huge manmade lake which was frozen over, people were walking out on the ice and many were iceskating in the distance. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures of it because all our batteries were dead. Many in our group did though so I am sure they will share.
We then went to the silk factory/museum/store. They showed us how the silk is extracted from the cocoons of the silk worm, and how they use the twin cocoons for the manufacture of quilts. We then again had the opportunity to buy :-) I bought 3 silk girl's dresses.
Because it was New Years Eve they gave us our Peking Duck dinner last night instead of tonight. I wish I had some pictures of this place it was pretty cool. As we were having dinner it still seemed unreal that we were actually in China for the purpose of bringing home Ruth. All this touring was great and will become a wonderful expereince with many memories, but we are anxious to get to Gaungzhou and meet our little girls.
I haven't been able to view the blog and can't seem to get the pictures to line up so forgive the randomness of it all. We ThankGod for all of you it's such a blessing to know you are all watching us and praying for us!! speaking of prayer, Anna has a cough that doesn't seem to be acompanied by a fever but please pray it doesn't get any worse and that all of us would be spared from any sickness. Thanks!
Here are some pictures of Tianamen Square and the Forbidden City: