China Express 2

"...And she called his name Samuel, for she said, "I have asked for him from the Lord"

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Location: purcellville, VA, United States

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Play House

Power tools; an initiation into manhood!
Watching the pro

Ruthie thinks it's her own private stage

We hope hours of fun will be had by Anna, Lauren, Ruth and Sam in the play house, and also hope Michael will learn some valuable skills working with dad on this construction project.

Anna's Room

Anna waited patiently for months to be able to paint her room. Her patience and hard work has paid off what a cool room!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Day 41

I need to get one of those counters to put at the top of the page.

I'm having a hard time waiting. I've been rather distracted with trying to figure out how long it will be before we are able to travel to China to bring Sam home. I am constantly checking the rumor queen and other adoption groups with any news of SN RA's and TA's. Now that I've confessed my addiction I hope to be able to take steps to conquer it!! There is really nothing I can do about the wait. But there are a few things I can focus on to prepare for Sam. Like learn a little Chinese, buy him clothes(shopping is always fun ;-0), and fix up his room. We can also go ahead and apply for our visas and could pack a few things...though why would I want to do that yet. I'd be packing and re-packing all summer.

I'm now resigned to traveling in early September.

We are busy with different projects around the house. We have painted Anna's room and Wayne is starting on a play house in the back yard, there is always decluttering to do and I've got a little vegetable garden going as well. I'm looking forward to a break from homeschooling for a month or so and hope to work hard on some of these things.

I'll post some pictures of Anna's room and the progress on the play house soon.