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These pictures are of the street behind the hotel the restaurant I mention at the end of the post is on this street.
The day before we went to see the Pandas and the day after we first met Sam was one of the most important days of the trip. That was Tuesday, August 21st and that was the day we finalized the adoption of Samuel and he legally became ours. His actual name change won't take place till his paperwork here is processed.
Here are some pictures of that important day.
This office building had no AC and it was hot and sticky Anna was bored and Sam was restless. We were in this building about an hour or so and then were off to another office building where we got a little speech from some official guy who said they were thankful that we would take an orphan into our home and believed it was a great thing for Samuel. We also were thanked by the assistant orphanage director who also believed Sam would be well cared for by us it was very sincere.
This wasn't the most enjoyable day but it was significant. I think we spent the afternoon in the hotel checked out the pool then went out to eat at the local restaurant our guide had taken us to the night before.
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