We Have Her

We got to the civil affairs office about 1:45 and since it was a holiday had to wait for someone to come open the door to the office for us. Then all the families filed into one of the rooms. There are 10 families here in Gaungzhou with babies in the Guangdong Province. 4 of the families babies are from the La Chang SWI and 6 from the Yangdong SWI. That is where Ruth is from. Yangdong is a closer orphanage, the babies seemed pretty calm. We were the 4th family to receive our baby. Ruth hasn't made a peep, I started calling her stone face, she just looked around checked us out and everyone else out. It is kind of a blur. Anna has been the most emotional of us all, God has given me incredible peace. She really liked the red rattle we brought, I got it from Sharon's and thought it would be a good toy for Ruth. Anna got the first smile out of her on the bus.
They brought us directly to the friendship store, a 6 story department store complete with groceries, it is a government store with a million workers. I didn't buy any clothes or a stroller, just groceries.

I haven't even changed her diaper, or taken her clothes off, she is sound asleep. I may wake her up to try to feed her soon don't want her to sleep too much now. Enjoy the pictures I'll post more later, we are happy beyond words. God Bless you all.

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