Just waiting to come home
I am taking advantage of having a full time dad around and snuck back down to starbucks to post more here. We have a few appointments left; a medical exam and visa appt. for Ruth so we can bring her home. And then we just need to pick up her passport next week. I might skip a day posting but don't worry I'll be back;-)
The temperature dropped about 20 degrees overnight, good thing we have some winter clothes with us!
Today we visited Banyun Park( I think that is the right name, if you have been here please correct me if I am wrong) the "most beautiful park in Guangzhou" it is quite beautiful and sits at the bottom
Banyun Mountain(again not sure if I got the name right). It is beautifully manicured landscaping with stone and brick walkways and waterfalls. Through out the park there are a number of gifts from other cities to thank Guangzhou for the trade relationship they have.
There was also a spot where you could dress up in traditional chinese clothes and have your picture taken, as you can see we have some fun guys in our group. And Anna was very adventurous with a new friend. She still couldn't pass for chinese though could she?
We ate at Pizza Hut after the park, they had a one visit salad bar. I wish I had a picture of some of the ladies making the most of their "one visit". they made works of art piling as much stuff as they could in one little bowl. they would layer squares of watermelon with slices of cucumber on top of a bed of lettuce. I am not exaggerating when I say they piled it 8"high. It was amazing!
Tomorrow we have a free day and think we will visit Shamian Island, the shopping district that caters to the Chinese adoption community. Hopefully it will be a little warmer!

The temperature dropped about 20 degrees overnight, good thing we have some winter clothes with us!
Today we visited Banyun Park( I think that is the right name, if you have been here please correct me if I am wrong) the "most beautiful park in Guangzhou" it is quite beautiful and sits at the bottom

There was also a spot where you could dress up in traditional chinese clothes and have your picture taken, as you can see we have some fun guys in our group. And Anna was very adventurous with a new friend. She still couldn't pass for chinese though could she?
We ate at Pizza Hut after the park, they had a one visit salad bar. I wish I had a picture of some of the ladies making the most of their "one visit". they made works of art piling as much stuff as they could in one little bowl. they would layer squares of watermelon with slices of cucumber on top of a bed of lettuce. I am not exaggerating when I say they piled it 8"high. It was amazing!
Tomorrow we have a free day and think we will visit Shamian Island, the shopping district that caters to the Chinese adoption community. Hopefully it will be a little warmer!

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