3 Days Left

Hello, sorry we have not updated for a couple of days, there really hasn't been much going on though. But I remember following others journey's and wishing they hadn't skipped any days, so again, sorry :-0
Let's see, last night we had a paper work party, we are now preparing to get Ruth's visa from the US consulate. We have a medical exam this afternoon then more shopping on Shamian Island. It's fun over there everyone speaks chinglish and I'm getting the hang of this bargaining stuff, though I've made a few blunders especially when it comes to squeaky shoes. I'm gonna get it right today though, no more than 3 USD.
We have all of our groups together now, there are about 14 other families adopting babies from other provinces. We all have to get our babies visas from the US Consulate here in Guangzhou. It's been a wonderful experience being able to do this with so many other families. There are many new friendships being made that will last a lifetime, I hope we can all keep in touch even though we are from all over the country. We have families from California, Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Ohio, Minnesota, Colorado, Illinois, North Carolina, Florida, New York and more.
This morning after breakfast we went to another park, Guang Zhou Yue Xiu Park it's huge, and there are people everywhere. We walked about 45 minutes and only covered about 1/5th of the park. There were people playing badmitton, doing Tai Chi, singing, and playing ping pong. It's amazing that on a weekday morning there were so many people there. This park was just across the street so it was nice to beable to walk over and "mingle". I've felt like we are in a plastic bubble very insulated from the culture going to all the tourist spots, being guided from place to place in a big bus. I'm not really complaining just making an observation. Our guides have been wonderful they are very professional yet friendly and take care of our every need. Here are a bunch of pictures from the park, our home away from home and from Shamian Island.

Do you see Wayne? He's one of the tallest LOL!

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